Doughnut Fighters
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
A game created for Mini Jam 56: Sky
Enemies - shoot you and have one health.
Big Enemies - bigger and have two health. Their bullets deal 2 damage.
Bombs - fall from sky and deal 2 damage.
Shield [Activated with C] - Protects you from everything. Collected while flying.
Fly through a doughnut - +50 points
Kill an enemy - +10 points
Collect +100
and receive 100 points
E to exit while pausing.
Press Space to shoot towards the mouse.
Press W to fly upwards.
Press S to fly downwards.
Press A to fly left.
Press D to fly right.
Press Q to pause
Press W in main menu to show help.
Use 0-9 to control the sound
Install instructions
If you aren't on windows, download love2d and run .love file
Otherwise run the .exe file. (create a shortcut, because the dlls are needed)
license.txt is important, I forgot to put it in the zip file.
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